2005-2006 Officers
President: Jasmyne Pugh
Vice President: Brittany Pines
Dean: Lynese Holt
Ass. Dean: La Quetta Grandison & Brittany Pines
Treasure: Angelica McDuffey
Chaplin: Clarencia Bonner
Historian: Rolounda Foster
Step Master: LaQuetta Grandison
Ass. Step Master: Lynese Holt
Officer of Knowledge: Anna Richardson
Mistress at Arms: Autumn McCorvey
President: Jarivs Dickinson
Vice President: LaQuenton Butler
Dean: LeMarcus McCall
Secretary: LaQuenton Butler
Chaplin: Anthony Sanders
Historian: Eric Villegas
Step Master: Detrick Robinson
Ass. Step Master: Jarvis Dickinson
Officer of Knowledge: LeMarcus McCall
Sargent at Arms: Corey Wilkerson